The garden takes off when weeded and cleared.
The houseplant flourishes when given new soil.
Your mind expands, when given thoughts of greater value.
The daily routines that form and shape your life are not exempt from one of nature’s most beautiful laws...
And it is simply this; the wellness, energy, vitality you feel today is nothing compared to what is waiting for you in these areas of your life.
Just think of it; you can expand your energy, your mental acuity, your stamina, your wellness, your daily range.

But first, it will take a reset to your current routine.
Sweet Ones, you are not going to arrive at that place by doing what you are doing now.
You got to where you are right now, by doing what you are currently doing.
(you may want to read that again)

Over the next 21 days, I challenge no, make that: ENCOURAGE. Yes, that’s better.
Over the next 21 days I ENCOURAGE you to take a simple three step approach to expansion in the area of wellness, fitness, or beauty in your life.

A 21 day reset to your routine so you can achieve feeling your best ever in 2023.
Are you ready?



Smile for the camera! The BEST way to measure your progress, is with photos, and being honest about how you feel right now. Use this graphic as your template, load your before photo into the space and your phone’s edit feature to give each area it’s proper score. You are going to be amazed after just 21 days the difference you will feel, and how you will look! But that’s not all! Let us rally you on as you share your progress! Post what you are doing, share your goals, and your progress on social media using #MYYLSTACK and follow the Young Living USA fb page for a chance to win fun weekly giveaways from Young Living!


Simply click on any of the photos on this page and save to your computer or device. Then, using your phone or computer editing tool, you can add your photos to the progress graphic to the left and tally in the appropriate number ratings. For the photos below in steps 1, thru 3 simply use these as your “story” format as you share in the bottom block, what your core routine is. Then, as you stack your next supplement on-to your routine, edit your photo and share your next steps. You might place a photo in that block of your products, or choose the photos from the Young Living website, or simply use the text box feature in your editing tool and simply list the items you are using. The options are endless so have fun with this!




It all starts with a solid foundation, a core if you will. A core wellness routine with supplements that help your body perform to the daily demands which is your life. Let’s take a “GOOD, BETTER, BEST” approach to this so that you can choose which works best to honor your goals, and wellness budget.

A really good starting point, is NingXia Red. A clinical study of just 2 ounces each day showed the following results after 60 days: 36% decrease in physical limitations, elevated mental well-being, r23% reduction in overall stress, 34.5% increase in physical energy, and increase in total sleep by 21 minutes.

The absolute most simplistic next step is to stack MASTER FORMULA on-top of your daily NingXia Red. This combination makes a complete nutriment infusion that delivers the essential vitamins and minerals for your body to thrive in an easy to use single daily packet. Master Formula is a full spectrum multi-nutrient complex of D3, B complex, Biotin, Zinc, C, pre-biotic, and more. 14 vitamins & minerals, and 25 key dietary elements.

A solid core supplement routine that supports the entire body system with 6 KEY areas of focus. This is the ideal daily routine to help your body achieve peak daily performance. You can find the complete CORE SUPPLEMENT routine: HERE



Now that you’ve established a daily core routine, we have a base to expand upon to help meet YOUR individual wellness goals. Perhaps your focus is gut health, cleansing, hormonal, hair health. This area is unique to you based on what you would like to personally address. Nobody knows your body better than you, and nobody knows how you would love to feel more than you do. There are so many incredible areas of focus to choose from so get really intentional about this and focus on one area at a time. There is no limit to the areas of wellness, fitness and beauty you can address as you continue to stack your supplement choices.

Young Living has put together carefully curated collections to help you choose what may work best. If you would rather take a more focused approach that is unique to you, I am here to help you. You can request to have a bio-feedback screening done by one of the Certified Natural Health Professionals in the team, you can take our online Wellness Ecology survey and book a one on one zoom or phone meeting to review and establish a protocol. Both of these are complimentary to you as a member of The Sweet Team.

You can view the Young Living curated supplement stack collections: HERE
To inquire about a Biofeedback screening please email: THE ART OF LIVING WELL VIP
To walk thru the Wellness Ecology Survey, please visit: MY WELLNESS ECOLOGY (access code: MYSWEETLIFE)



You’re well on your way now with a great new routine and no doubt you are already feeling the difference it has made! Be sure to share your success and inspire those around you as you choose the next items to stack into your routine.

Now is the time to take your next photo to add to your progress graphic and see your 21 day transformation unfold. Be sure to share your photo with us so we can celebrate together!

If you’re not sure what area to focus on next, you might find some inspiration scrolling through The Sweet Team fb group to see what others are doing.