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Within the opulent tapestry of our lives, emotions weave a vibrant thread.

Joy ignites our spirit like a thousand jubilant flames, while sorrow may cast a temporary shadow.
Yet, like exquisite gemstones, even negative emotions possess a certain beauty.

The key lies not in denying their presence, but in their graceful release. Clinging to unresolved feelings, however valid, is akin to adorning oneself in garments of yesterday's sorrow.

Does a brilliant jewel retain its luster if forever shrouded in dust?

By acknowledging and releasing these emotions with gentle compassion, we create a magnificent space within ourselves. This inner sanctuary, unburdened by the weight of the past, becomes a fertile ground for cultivating vibrant experiences, boundless creativity, and the unwavering pursuit of one's most magnificent goals.

The Feelings Collection was meticulously designed by Gary Young to facilitate in the transformation of our emotional DNA template to assist us in masterfully shifting our paradigms and stepping into our unique code, our one most iconic life.

Let us, therefore, embark on a journey of emotional liberation, transforming our inner landscape into a dazzling spectacle of serenity and limitless potential.


before you begin

Create a space of silence and serenity where you can be alone.

Allow yourself this time to move through each oil, each step, and each intention.

Prepare to be in this process for thirty minutes and give yourself fully to this time of restoration.

Remove any potential distractions, including your phone.

Afterward, be sure to drink plenty of fresh water.

Consider journaling your experience and how you feel afterward, making sure to note the date.

Repeat the Feelings Kit every few weeks, and allow new emotions to shift each time.


No. 1 | VALOR

  • Apply six drops into your palm

  • Rub hands together gently to disperse oil to both hands

  • Hold hands to the bottom of the feet to apply oil evenly

Did you know…
Before heading into battle, Romans would soak in baths infused with Blue Tansy to instill confidence, courage, and connection to source. The Valor essential oil blend of Blue Tansy, Rosewood, Frankincense, and Black Spruce helps to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic for emotional stability so that we may face our emotions and shift our paradigms.

Valor is the blend of confidence. A masterful combination of oils to help restore oneself to a place of knowing. Allowing us to shed the unwanted suffocating weight of anxiety, worry, and doubt. Once shed, we can move freely into our highest self, bringing our greatest gifts and talents to the surface for full expression.


  • Apply one or two drops into your palm

  • Gently rub hands together

  • Cup hands over or near nose and inhale deeply with complete full breaths before exhaling

  • Repeat breathing exercise three or more times until calmness fills the body

Beautiful, fragrant florals of Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Jasmine, and Rose combine with the strong aromatic woods of Frankincense, Black Spruce, and Sandalwood among sharp citrus notes of Lemon, Orange, and Bergamot. The aromatic symphony that creates Harmony essential oil blend is absolutely captivating. Ushering in a powerful wave of calmness as it restores balance to breathing and emotions. Harmony essential oil blend opens the heart chakra to allow emotional pain to gently release its place from within us.

When we are able to achieve emotional harmony, and balance our female and male energies within, we no longer feel the pull of confrontational tendencies that once tried to turbulently direct our next moves and dominating thoughts. The once feeling of an internal struggle, a pull back-and-forth, is no longer. This liberation from a less than desirable emotional threshold allows our energy to flow freely into an elevated space and releases trapped and stored anger.


  • Apply one or two drops into your hand

  • Hold hand over navel and gently slide hand back and forth to apply

  • Apply one drop to hand

  • Gently rub hands together

  • Cup hands over or near nose and inhale deeply until you feel shoulders relax

Melissa essential oil plays a key role in this blend, as it helps to restore feelings of hope to those who feel all has been lost. Florals of Geranium and the citrus of Bergamot help to dissolve excess anger, and frustration. Roman Chamomile, Frankincense, and Sandalwood help to create feelings of confidence. Restored hope, creating space for love by allowing anger to escape, and allowing feeling of confidence to move in are necessary in being able to forgive…yourself.

Unless we forgive, we cannot be forgiving.

Unless you have also forgotten, you have not truly forgiven.

We cannot cleanse the emotional DNA template, until we have taken the steps of forgiveness.

To err is human, but to forgive is divine.


  • Apply one or two drops into your hand

  • Gently rub hands together

  • Cup hands over or near nose and inhale deeply with complete full breaths before exhaling

  • Repeat breathing exercise three or more times until a new emotion has come to the surface

While in your space of total silence, feel the emotions that rise to the surface and allow them to move through you. Do not feel embarrassed or ashamed of the emotions that greet the moment…simply acknowledge them from an entirely neutral place. Aromatics of Geranium, Jasmine, and Rose take your frequency to new heights while Blue Tansy, Cypress, and Ocotea balance your confidence.

Take a deep, full breath. And as you exhale…let it go.
They are now free to disconnect from the stronghold they once had.
Thank the experience, the emotion, for how it may have served you in a particular time and space while knowing they no longer serve you in this moment as you prepare to move forward.
You are free.

*When releasing emotions, we may find ourselves surprised it was not the emotion we expected to express. Where one might be ready to cry, they may find themselves in a fit of laughter. Where one might find themselves releasing anger, they may come to find themselves in a flood of tears. Our emotions store in layers, and in no particular order. They do however, release in an orderly sequence of growth of which we cannot dictate. Allow these emotions to surface, move through each one, and celebrate the beautiful space you have just created by doing so.

*If after five minutes, there is no emotion that has come to the surface, simply move onto the next step.


  • Apply one to two drops to thymus (the hollow spot at the base of the neck where the collarbones meet)

  • Massage clockwise

Too many of us live in the past and when this becomes our standard mode, we are not truly alive. Living in the moment, taking in the absolute livingness that is around us allows our entire being to be captivated with a most invigorating feeling.

To feel invigorated, to feel such a depth of gratitude, to be fully present in the current moment…is to be alive.

To live a life like no other.

The simple blend of Bitter Orange, Black Spruce, and Ylang Ylang create a sense of elevation as your frequency soars. Clearing the noise and distraction of unwanted thoughts, clarity ushers in and connects you to the moment.

Bitter Orange for clarity so that we know precisely where we are in the moment.
Ylang Ylang so that we feel love, safety, and connection where we are so that we stop seeking past trauma as a means of distorted comfort.
Black Spruce to anchor us in the present time so that we can go back in our memories to release the emotion without once again holding onto it.

*IF GOING BACK TO RELEASE in step No. 4, apply Release essential oil blend over liver


  • Apply one drop to the pad of your thumb

  • Hold your thumb to the roof of your mouth (as a child would)

    ALTERNATIVELY to above:

  • Apply one drop into the hand

  • Gently rub hands together

  • Cup hands over or near nose and inhale deeply with complete full breaths before exhaling

We need to go back to our emotional moments of childhood, so that we may move forward. When we go back now, while in a space of clearing and holding strong positivity, we are able to replace the negative DNA with positive. This is how paradigms are shifted, how emotions of the past are freed, and how we take the beautiful steps forward into reclamation.

This playful blend of Lemongrass and Tangerine bring the familiar aromatics of childhood with crisp notes of clarity. The beauty of Jasmine, and Ylang Ylang remind us that we are loved, and that we are safe. Spruce and Sandalwood offer the confidence we need to revisit the past but remain strong in our awareness of today.

No. 7 | VALOR

  • Apply six drops into your hand

  • Rub hands together gently to disperse oil within both hands

  • Hold hands to the bottom of the feet to apply oil evenly to both

  • Apply one drop into your hand

  • With your index finger, rub the drop of oil clockwise and then apply to the brain stem

Going back to Valor as your final step helps to complete the protocol and bring you to a place of beautiful confidence and emotional balance.



My first experience with this collection was breathtaking…allowing myself to move through emotions from decades of suppression and believing that if given enough time they would simply go away.
Beliefs vs truths. Truth is, feelings buried alive, never die.

From my first training with Gary Young on The Feelings Collection, and hearing him explain the powerful beauty of the essential oil Melissa, I knew I needed to make space in my routine for this collection.

The Feelings Collection goes to where we harbor and store our emotions…to where they take root if given enough time. Trauma, fear…keeps us from reaching our highest potential. Keeps us from living freely in our day. Keeps us…from being whom we were created to be.

When these emotions reach our cells, it effects us for years. It becomes generational…if we allow it.

The Feelings Collection was created to help move beyond our feelings. When worn daily, it restores balance and helps us to maintain our inner peace.

This collection was designed for people to experience emotional freedom from the stronghold of traumatic life experiences which can compromise who we are, who we believe ourselves to be, our love, our confidence…our worth.

Before any physical condition can manifest itself as such, know that it first started at an emotional level.

Healing the emotional template…
We may not be able to control what has happened, or is happening. But we can control the way we respond. When we heal our emotions, when we grow in our awareness of self (all of which essential oils assist us in doing) we CAN then, control the way in which we respond.

And that my Sweet One, is where your power is.
