Sweet Ones, here we go! The classes that I host at Headquarters are now yours to host wherever you choose! My advice, just in case you were wondering…print out the cover sheet, purchase 1 ½” binders and slip that cover sheet into the front so you now have an incredible workbook that you will add to with each event. This will keep your team coming back for more as they walk through an entire year of transformative events with you!

I am confident that with the tools and resources available to you, combined with YOUR goals, desires and determination that this will indeed be a year unlike any other, you will climb your way to ABUNDANCE with Young Living!


It is always a good idea to make sure your expenses are covered but remember, ultimately you are growing your team and your income will come from all that gorgeous OGV you are creating by sharing, educating, and supporting! Personally, I do not charge for non member guests. These are people who are going to be brand new to Young Living, or perhaps they were a member years ago but are no longer active. For my events, they always have a complimentary seat at the table. I do charge $10 for member guests.
This may seem “backwards” but it really is the only way to go about it. You see, I am creating and providing the platform for current members in my team to bring their guests and grow their team and I am covering all expenses to do so. By having the current member pay a small registration fee to attend, they are helping to cover the cost of materials, NingXia Red, samples etc. It really is a WIN-WIN!

For your Saturday meet-ups, you may find that you don’t need to charge at all. Or perhaps, you will do a fun “Make and Take” or have samples. Just be sure to cover your expenses, should there be any.


Facebook, snail mail, project broadcast, phone calls…just be sure to choose more than one way to say “hey!”
To make it easier for you, I’ve included graphics tailored to each event for you to customize.

Be sure to follow up with your guest list a few days before the event.

JUST A TIP: Do not underestimate the power of a POP UP class! Some of my greatest attendances have been from last minute ideas with just a week to invite and prep!






Who decided that our beautiful homes needed to be cleaned with toxic chemicals? Chemicals so harsh that they give us headaches, burn skin, and drain energy. It’s time to host “CLEAN PRISTINE” and introduce your guests to Young Living.


This is your monthly / weekly enrollment intro class to Young Living. The theme to this event can change based on how the wind blows the ideas to you, or perhaps you will want to focus on a Young Living collection. It is ENTIRELY up to you!


Your beauty routine should be simple, yet effective. Shouldn’t your event be the same? INDEED it should! If a full day of beauty is not your cup of Slique tea, opt for the ease and simplicity of a “Beauty Bar.”