

essential oil blend

No. 3303

Overcome denial and procrastination as you open up to, and accept new things in life.

When some people first come across this blend, the name can convey a connotation of “accept reality...accept circumstances...‘it is what it is’.” (Ok, perhaps we’re not talking about “people.” Perhaps...just perhaps...that was my initial interpretation. And you can imagine that did not sit well with me. Accept less than the fairy tale life?! No thank you!) But Gary, as always, knew best. The intention of Acceptance is to ACCEPT YOUR DIVINE WORTHINESS. Aha! That’s a very different intention.

Gary created blends by looking at the frequencies of single oils — their benefits as well as their chemical constituents — and combining them to produce the frequency of the emotion that he was looking to evoke. Matching the frequency of your desired emotion to the frequency of the oil…this is harmony. This is balance. This is one reason why using intention – chosen thoughts that are in alignment with the good you desire – when applying your oils can give you an entirely different experience. Calming the mind, increasing your awareness and taking a moment to escape the chaos of the day…this is wellness as it was intended to be. 

A note from Gary

Set your desired intention – happiness, calm, balance, ease, confidence, whatever it may be. This codes the frequency. Now rub it on your temples and the back of your neck – the circuit board of your body. Now we’re going to release the emotions that no longer serve us:
Draw circles in a counterclockwise motion on a piece of paper. Envision unwinding and releasing. Apply Acceptance to your temples and brain stem and keep unwinding. If something unwanted occurred, such as the death of a loved one, we cannot move on until we have accepted this. When you don’t have control over people or things, and you feel pain or like you’ve been betrayed or abandoned or you don’t know how to deal with it, this is one way: start scribbling circles in a counterclockwise motion and say, “I willingly release all things that no longer serve me in a positive and progressive way.” It’s really that simple.

Why is that important? It’s because you have to move into three areas we all tend to avoid:  non-attachment, non-judgment, and non-resistance. Therefore, in this process, you’re making no judgment on that which you are releasing. Once you have written it on paper and said the affirmation, you need do no more. Just by physically making the motion of going counterclockwise, you’re erasing that blueprint in your memory.

apply around the ears to help inspire defiant children to embrace new ideas and routines

diffuse or apply to nape of neck to help stimulate the mind to open up, and accept new things in life

inhale deeply to help calm a troubled mind

accept change so you can move forward toward your highest potential

"Be Ye Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind" [Romans 12:2]

diffuse to help banish procrastination

diffuse or use as a room spray to create feelings of security

when in doubt, and emotions are at an all time high, add desired drops to bath water and Epsom salts and bathe in this oil, Sweet Ones!

This is a stimulating blend, and I’d like you to try something with me: apply it over the liver, behind the knees, and liberally on the lower back before you go face the world. Declare out loud, “there is a divine design for my life and I fully accept it.” 

Did you know that even when dealing with a physical problem, emotional acceptance of the present situation, rather than denial, helps one move forward in the healing process (The Reference Guide to Essential Oils, 18th edition, Connie & Alan Higley) 

Apply topically to areas of discomfort, diluted with carrier oil of choice.

Hints of spice fall into deep rich florals before being carried away in citrus. Geranium, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Rose, Jasmine…all make this a beautiful blend to wear as a perfume. 

Release, Into the Future, Transformation, and Valor

102 MHz

A parfume of beauty and truth.
•11 Acceptance
• 2  Laurus Nobilis
• 1 Vetiver
• 1 Neroli



downloadable resource sheet

if you would like a 3-ring binder and tabs to establish your Resource Guide, I love these:
Floral Binder

Plain Binder

Plain Tabs

Floral Tabs

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How to Use Acceptance in the Diffuser

Diffuse to create a feeling of security and worthiness as you embark on your life’s mission.

How to Use Acceptance Topically

Apply at nape of neck to open the mind.

Add to bath water with Epsom salts.

Apply over liver, behind knees, and on lower back, and declare, “I accept my divine worthiness.”

How to Use Acceptance for Emotions

Release the past so you can accept the future.

Even when dealing with a physical challenge, emotional acceptance – rather than resistance – helps us move forward in healing.

Reference Guide to Essential Oils