A new season of living your best life

Presented and hosted by The Sweet Team SODAK Leaders

The essence of spring simply is: newness. Well then, let’s walk into this season of renewal, rebirth, and awakening with a new understanding of how we truly desire to live and feel each and every day.  


SATURday april 15 2023
Sioux falls south dakota

Denny Sanford Premier Center
1201 N West Avenue
Sioux Falls SD 57104

8:30 am ~ 9:00 am
Registration and Mingle

9:00 am ~ 11:30 am
Journaling with Oils
Oils and Emotions

11:30 am ~ 12:30 pm

12:30 pm ~ 4:00 pm
Kids and Oils
Raindrop Demonstration
Bones, Ligaments, and Muscles

Your life can truly look and feel any way you aspire it to be and we are going to walk you through the routines and practices to help you achieve just that. We are here to help you discover how to design this, with guided steps to unlock the emotions holding you back, and the education and tools for you to transform your home and family. Emotions, body systems, supplementation…you’re about to discover much more than you thought possible.

Allen and Lisa Compton
Marilyn Opdahl
Krystal Ripperda
Darcy Larsch
And special guest Dr. Kelsey Dobesh


Tickets are non refundable but remain transferable at your discretion.

This event is not appropriate for children, though babes in arms are welcome at your discretion.