December 2022 Gifts

stay on track during the holidays



Welcome to the holiday race. These Gifts With Purchase are especially for the person who is everything to everybody. Santa. Chauffeur. Hostess. Nativity Director. Reindeer Groomer. Bake Sale Taste Tester. (It's a very important responsibility!) Remember, Sweet One, you can be nothing to no one if you don't stay on track. Keep hold of the reins! You choose your courage, your energy, your wellness, and most importantly, your peace. You choose! Stay on track and enjoy each moment of December!



300 PV
Peace & Calming 15ml
En-R-Gee 15ml
Super C Tablets
Thieves Cleansing Soap
Thieves Hand Wipes
Loyalty Rewards Bonus: Valor 5ml, 10 Loyalty Rewards Points

250 PV
En-R-Gee 15ml
Super C Tablets
Thieves Cleansing Soap
Thieves Hand Wipes
Loyalty Rewards Bonus: Valor 5ml, 10 Loyalty Rewards Points

190 PV
Thieves Cleansing Soap
Thieves Hand Wipes
Loyalty Rewards Bonus: Valor 5ml, 10 Loyalty Rewards Points

100 PV Loyalty Rewards Order
10 Loyalty Rewards points



essential oil blend

This blend is the perfect way to wind down after a long day of greeting the elements of life. Diffuse to transform your room into a quiet spa-like atmosphere or apply topically to shoulders, neck and chest. Need a little assistance falling into slumber? Don't forget to take Peace & Calming to bed with you!

Ylang Ylang shares the main stage with Patchouli in this blend.  Ylang Ylang flowers must be hand-picked with the utmost care.  Each flower must be delicately turned over to ensure it is ready for harvest. If so, it is collected in a basket and taken to the distillery for immediate distillation.  A special distiller was designed for Ylang Ylang and the delicate process of extraction it requires in much smaller batches than more traditional plants such as Lavender. 

This blend is comprised of Ylang Ylang, Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli, and Blue Tansy. I already feel carefree looking at the ingredients!

  • Diffuse in every room for an absolute serene environment

  • Dab on the back of your neck

  • Gently pet your anxious or stressed out dog with a drop or two rubbed in your palms

  • Calm “full of energy” littles from the excitement of the day with a gentle massage, or by diffusing 

  • Massage topically to help calm down overworked and overactive legs before bed

  • Diffuse to help fall, and stay asleep

  • Apply to bottom of feet to ease feelings of worry and anxiousness

  • Apply to abdomen to ease the reflex of vomiting when feeling ill 

    *if using Peace & Calming has the opposite effect of calming for you, apply a few drops of Harmony essential oil blend just above the navel, wait a few moments, and then try again. Harmony brings the body back into balance.

AROMATIC NOTE: soft citrus is held in a base of Patchouli

PAIRS WELL WITH: Lavender (for sleep), Chamomile (for calming)


from the atelier with Melissa

  • 2 Cups of Flour

  • 2 Tbsp of Oil (any oil will do, coconut oil, vegetable oil, even olive oil)

  • 1/2 Cup of Salt

  • 2 Tbsp Cream of Tartar

  • 1 1/2 Cup Boiling Water

  • 15 drops Peace & Calming 

  • Gel Food Coloring or Jell-O mix  (optional)





Conventional sanitizing wipes = Isopropyl Alcohol
Convention soaps = Triclosan
Both = toxic storm
Let’s not forget sodium lauryl sulfate, peg stearates, propylene, and fragrance just to name a few but let’s start at the core, shall we?


You may see many people sharing about using isopropyl alcohol as a sanitizer base. Even people who strongly advocate a chemical-free lifestyle. Sweet Ones, you should never have to trade your health for a solution. There are always options. ALWAYS.

Isopropyl Alcohol does not belong in your home and it most certainly does not belong on your body or spritzed into the air around you. What's more, it poses an incredible danger when you start mixing this highly volatile compound with other high flash point constituents.

This is a very well put together article on the known dangers of isopropyl alcohol INCLUDING poisoning VIA INHALATION. Oh yes, poisoning via inhalation.

OSHA has assigned Isopropyl Alcohol with the following classifications: (the following is direct from OSHA, not an opinion blog site)

1= slightly hazardous
2= hazardous
3=extreme danger

FIRE HAZARD (flash point) = 4
0=will not burn
1=above 200°F
2=below 200°F
3=below 100°F
4=below 73°F

inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact

irritation of the eyes, nose, throat; drowsiness, dizziness, headache, dry cracking skin
in animals: narcosis

eyes, skin, respiratory system


SKIN: prevent skin contact

EYES: prevent eye contact

WASH SKIN: when contaminated

REMOVE: when wet (flammable)


EYE: irrigate immediately

SKIN: water flush

BREATHING: respiratory support

SWALLOW: seek immediate medical attention





  • 650 mg vitamin c

  • 1,440% recommended daily amount of vitamin c

  • contains zinc

  • ideal for strong immune function

We know we should have Super C in our daily regimen for immune system support. Ah yes, Vitamin C for immune support. But did you know it is also necessary for the growth, development, and repair of body tissue as well? Did you also know Vitamin C…

  • Aids in the formation of collagen

  • Helps the body absorb iron

  • Helps maintain cartilage, bones, and teeth

  • Strengthens the body's natural defenses

  • Helps to relax the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart

  • Helps to protect your memory

True Story…
But an even lesser known benefit is how Super C goes to work (like little soldiers!) clearing out cellular clutter in the mind and in our connective tissues. And when this "clutter" is cleared out, you will be oh so pleased at improved flexibility. And that, my friends, is freedom.

In a nutshell:

  • aids at a cellular level to help bind all of the supplement benefits together

  • hydrates cells

  • supports immune strength




essential oil blend

This blend increases alertness and circulation in the body, helping to improve one's energy. 

My first experience with this oil was when I thought it would be a good idea to give ZUMBA a try. Remember that Latin Dance exercise craze from about 15 years ago? I could maybe make it through 20 minutes when a friend suggested giving En-R-Gee a try. Sweet Ones, I side salsa’d my way through a 45 minute workout like a pro! This blend helps you to improve your stamina without the over-stimulation you would get from caffeine or an energy drink laden with stimulants that overload your system.

• Apply topically in the morning, or mid-day (before 1pm) to the adrenals (right above your kidneys)
• Apply to the bottom of your feet in the morning before you hit the ground running
• Want to feel like you had the most amazing night's sleep, even if you didn’t? Apply En-R-Gee to the bottom of your feet, Awaken to the temples, and Clarity to the back of your neck

AROMATIC NOTE: this is quite possibly one of the most curious blends I have ever experienced. A first assumption would leave you thinking there is a floral present, but there is not. Juniper and Rosemary mingle with fall herbs and winter woods to bring the most refreshing aroma that sits on top of the crispness of Lemongrass.

PAIRS WELL WITH: Motivation (essential oil blend), PowerGize (supplement), Pure Protein (meal replacement for increased endurance)





essential oil blend

"If I only had the courage, I would have __________________"

Fill in the blank, Sweet One, what would you have done?

Chances are, quite a bit.

Valor was formulated with courage in mind.

We need courage to dream, to ask, to believe, to pursue. We need courage to think, to change, to embrace, to evolve. We need courage to live our most incredible life to the fullest.

We need courage to discover wellness within. We need courage to embrace our purpose and we need courage to believe abundance is within our reach.

The very pillar of Young Living's vision for us. Gary wanted all of us to experience Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance.

Sweet One, it awaits you. All of it, and so much more. Confidently know that, and you will stand stronger.


  • Apply to spine after adjustment to hold your alignment strong

  • Apply to shoulders and bottom of feet for grounding and emotional balance

  • Apply to bottom of feet at night for a more "silent" and restful sleep (either for you, or your spouse)

  • Apply 6 drops of Valor on bottoms of feet to help increase oxygen and blood flow to the bottom

  • To balance left and right brain, put oil on left fingers and rub on the right temple or put oil on right fingers and rub on left temple.

AROMATIC NOTE: the softness of Geranium quickly sweeps into winter wood and the deep base of Frankincense and Blue Tansy.

PAIRS WELL WITH: Balance with Valor; protect with White Angelica

FREQUENCY: 47 MHz (very low to balance and align the physical body)

The other side of fear...


collected from lectures, recordings, and the D. Gary Young Blog

Why did I create this formula? The essential oils in Valor were used by the Roman soldiers before battle to promote courage during a time of physical and emotional challenges. All of us go through physical and emotional challenges. I made this blend in 1990 because at that time I was having a confrontation with the IRS, and I had to go to Seattle for the hearing. I was representing myself in court because I couldn’t afford an attorney. I was really scared. I’d never been in a court with the IRS before; this was a first-time experience.

I made Valor the night before, poured it in the tub, and then bathed in it. At that time I was living in Spokane where I had a little farm I was starting. I drove to Seattle, stayed in a motel, got up, went into the hearing that morning and presented my case. They made me feel like I was less than dirt. But I stood my ground and argued my points, and then I left. Two weeks later I got a certified letter in the mail announcing to me: Mr. Young, we’ve heard your case, we’ve reviewed it, we have accepted your presentation, and we have dropped our issues against you. So I won on all 42 counts. That was a big accomplishment for me. So, Valor became very, very dear to me and has been a very powerful oil blend ever since.

Valor is superb for balancing the body, for empowering. Blue Tansy is in it. Frankincense so you can come from a spiritual space.

Valor at the bottom of the feet, up the spine. Valor balances physical, emotional and mentally. It facilitates everything else that you do, keeps you at peace and balance. Aligns the skeletal system.


You will never look at applying Valor the same way ever again, after watching this!