everything is energy

Have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt like two opposite sides of a magnet were trying to come together? You instantly felt like you did not belong. Maybe you felt this way talking to an individual. Perhaps you were in a situation moments before something tragic happened and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. That was a feeling you had. A "vibe" or an energy, so to say.And...this is the fun part. There is a law to that attraction.

-Shakespeare (Hamlet)

Your entire world can change based on your mere assumption. Did you realize that? Assume that the very thing you desire, has already happened. The goal, YOUR goal, is already achieved. Be it a goal for increased health and vitality, or a financial goal and even goals in your relationships. Just for a moment, allow your mind to escape from the way things are (do not speak of illness, death, sickness, or poverty or lack or despair) but rather, in that moment, think only of life, illumination, harmony and happiness. Bring yourself entirely into the feeling that the very thing you desire, has already been fulfilled.

It's bliss, isn't it? Even if just for that moment, it is pure bliss.

Everything is energy. Everything. From a ray of light to the thought you are holding in the moment. The thoughts (beliefs) we hold are energy and our minds are always at work, aren't they? It rests with us to determine what sort of work that shall be – positive or negative? When you think of your goals in wellness, purpose, and abundance, do you hold thoughts of faith and belief, or thoughts of limitation and doubt?

"Blessed is she that believed; for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. [Luke 1:45]"

"Whatsoever ye shall ask for in prayer, believing ye shall receive" [Matthew 21:22]

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" [ Matthew 7:8]

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way."

Match the frequency (your energy) to the frequency of your desire.But, how? I am so happy you asked! There are SO many things that affect our frequency both positively and negatively.
• The movies / shows we watch
• The books we read
• The company we keep
• The foods we eat
• The drinks we consume

Think for a moment if you watched a movie where in that scene someone is being attacked..... how did it make you feel? Your frequency was impacted in that moment.

Think of a weekend where you consumed too much of the "wrong" food and maybe a few too many cocktails. How did you feel the next morning? Your frequency was impacted in that moment.

Think of a time when you were surrounded with negative people, did you as well start to look at things negatively and doubt the things around you? Perhaps you even complained a bit more.

Now, think of a time when you ate nothing but the most pristine foods and consumed more than enough water. I bet you felt ontop of the world! (this is how I feel after a Young Living weekend event! They feed us VERY well and only the best!)

Think of a time when you were with like-minded and happy people. I bet you were BEAMING for days afterwards, and everything was coming up roses!

Even our essential oils and essential oil infused supplements and our makeup...can affect our frequency. Oh yes. All of it. THANK GOODNESS we REFUSE to settle for ANYTHING less than the BEST at Young Living for SO many reasons!

I encourage you to craft this blend and then take a moment to really think of the health and wellness you desire. Think of the goals you have and what you would like to achieve. Perhaps you may even think about having a Young Living team of your own because why keep this goodness and awareness to yourself! And as you diffuse this blend, be reminded that it is an AMPLIFIER... it will amplify the good feelings you have, just as it could the bad. It will amplify the positive thoughts you hold, just as it could the negative.

So...choose wisely. Choose wisely the thoughts and feelings you sit with because they do indeed, determine the rest of your day.


Why I chose these oils

• helps to banish unwanted negative energy left behind from ourselves, or from others
• amplifies our thoughts and our emotions (thoughts are things, choose the good ones!)
• helps us to feel strong, and confident in our direction

• helps the mind to relax and let go of limiting beliefs
• opens the mind to feel calm and serene
• eases feelings of anger which restrict and block the flow of ideas and creativity from our higher source (be that Jesus, God, Spirit of the Universe: whatever suits you best)
• enhances your ability to listen to your inner voice / guidance

• with it's cleansing aroma, it helps you to let go of negative emotions
• helps to dissolve anger and frustration

• grown under the incredibly energy of the Northern Lights, long believed to help ground, and balance our emotional well-being and offer a greater connection to Source (our Faith)
• grounding, and stabilizing to our confidence and emotions

• known to be one of the highest frequency oils
• ushers in a feeling of confidence and beauty
• as one of the most sought-after luxury oils, this oil helps us to realize our own worthiness of everything we desire and reminds us to settle for nothing less than the absolute best