This Is Sweet Success | Newsletter | February 21 2022
Give yourself permission not to be accessible at all times. Ignore that voicemail. Leave that message unread. Turn off your phone. Don't answer emails. Destroy your SIM card. Burn your house down. Disappear under mysterious circumstances.
Pets and Young Living
When we say that essential oils can be enjoyed by the whole family, that includes Bingo and Whiskers. There are just a few things that you need to keep in mind to make sure your fur – or scale, or wool, or feather, or hairless – babies stay safe and enjoy all the benefits Young Living oils have to offer.
• Dilute heavily with a carrier
• Start small and use in moderation
• Observe how the animal responds
• Care for each animal differently
• Use oils near animal's eyes, mouth, nose or sensitive areas
• Use "hot" oils such as Wintergreen, Oregano, Cinnamon or Peppermint, etc
• Use high phenol oils such as Oregano, Clove, Wintergreen, and Thyme
• Start with 1 drop of oil to 4 parts carrier oil
• Avoid citrus oils and tea tree oils
• Apply to paws
• Wear or diffuse near animal to acclimate them
• Start with 1-5 drops, depending on size of dog
• Dilute at least 75%
• Avoid using with newborn puppies
• Wear or diffuse near animal to acclimate them
• Apply to paws
• Don't put oils in tank water
• Diffuse only around a closed, filtered tank
• Use extreme caution
• Dilute oils well
• Use toothpick to measure oil
• Refrain from diffusing near animal
• Refrain from diffusing near animal
• Avoid tree and citrus oils
• Dilute oils with coconut oil
• Keep application area small
• Use toothpick to measure oil
• Start with the human usage amount found on the label directions and dilute heavily
• Mix with water in a spray bottle for easy application
• Start small and use in moderation
from the Young Living blog
As I filled a diffuser, I was reminded of how I started in Young Living. 22 years ago, when I got my enrollment know what it was? It was Lavender. I got a bottle of Lavender. Oh how times have changed. What is it like today? YOU design it. How cool is that?!?!?! If you want to talk about how sharing Young Living is easy, fun...and life-changing, let me know.
everything is energy
- Shakespeare (Hamlet)
why I chose these oils
helps to banish unwanted negative energy
amplifies our thoughts and our emotions
helps us to feel strong and confident in our direction
helps the mind relax and let go of limiting beliefs
opens the mind to calm and serenity
eases feelings of anger which restrict and block the flow of creativity
enhances your ability to hear inner guidance
helps let go of negative emotions
helps dissolve anger and frustration
grown under the incredible energy of the Northern Lights, long believed to help ground and balance our emotional well-being and offer a greater connection to Source
known to be one of the highest frequency oils
ushers in a feeling of confidence and beauty
as one of the most sought-after luxury oils, this oil helps us to realize our own worthiness of everything we desire and reminds us to settle for nothing less than the absolute best
Have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt like the opposite sides of a magnet were trying to come together? You instantly felt like you did not belong. Maybe you felt this way talking to an individual. Perhaps you were in a situation moments before something tragic happened and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. That was a feeling you had. A "vibe" or an energy, so to say.
Likewise, I am sure you have walked into a room or met a person and INSTANTLY knew...that was where you belonged. I felt that the first time I saw Wayne. (Although we didn't actually meet again until years later, and in the moment I was like "YOU, it's you?!" but we'll save that sappy post for another day.) That feeling of connection was like two right sides of a magnet coming together. An attraction. A total and complete attraction. And...this is the fun part. There is a LAW to that attraction.
Your entire world can change based on your mere assumption. Did you realize that? Assume that the very thing you desire has already happened. The goal, YOUR goal, is already achieved. Be it a goal for increased health and vitality, or a financial goal, or even goals in your relationships. Just for a moment, allow your mind to escape from the way things are (do not speak of illness, poverty or despair) but rather, in that moment, think only of life, illumination, and happiness. Bring yourself entirely into the feeling that the very thing you desire has already been fulfilled. It's bliss, isn't it? Pure bliss.
Everything is energy. Everything. From a ray of light to the thought you are holding in the moment. The thoughts (beliefs) we hold are energy and our minds are always at work. It is up to us to determine what sort of work that is. Are your thoughts positive or negative? When you think of your goals in wellness, purpose and abundance do you hold thoughts of faith and belief, or thoughts of limitation and doubt?
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way."
- Einstein
Match the frequency (your energy) to the frequency of your desire. But, how? Ahh Sweet Ones, I am so happy you asked! There are SO many things that affect our frequency both positively and negatively. The entertainment we watch, the books we read, the company we keep, and the foods and beverages we consume.
Even our essential oils and infused supplements and makeup can affect our frequency. Yes, our oils have a frequency to them. I put together the diffuser cocktail shown above to help lift your overall energy and outlook. I encourage you to craft this blend and then take a moment to really think of the health and wellness you desire. Think of the goals you have and what you would like to achieve. Perhaps you may even think about having a Young Living team of your own because why keep this goodness and awareness to yourself! And as you diffuse this blend, be reminded that it is an will amplify the good feelings you have, just as it could the bad. So... choose wisely Sweet Ones. Choose wisely over the thoughts and the feelings you sit with because they do indeed, determine your life.