This Is Sweet Success | Newsletter | January 23 2023
a word about wood
Are you ready for an instant transformation? Today, I’m going to show you how to care for the wood in your home using the most pristine, non-toxic ingredients that are safe for your home, the environment, and you.
The true wood furniture, floors, and cabinets in your home can carry a significant price tag, but far too often get overlooked when it comes to proper care for longevity and preservation. You invested in these timeless pieces…let’s give them the care they deserve. When they are properly cleaned and cared for, you peel back the layers from every dinner, every gathering, every step, and you see the beauty of the woodwork shine through.
Staying on top of this task makes it easier to tackle, and regular cleaning helps to preserve the longevity of your investment to showcase these articles for the art they truly are. So how often should you clean these areas? My advice is to simply wipe them down, or at the very least use a dusting wand every two weeks as a quick “touch-up” but to go in for that deeper cleaning and care once every quarter, or as the seasons change.
Be sure to take before and after photos to share on social media, and when you do, be sure to tag us!
Before you throw a table cloth on to cover the sins of forgotten coasters from the past, and scratches from your four-legged friend, try a little restoration and polish first.
Even the family heritage chest or martini table you have tucked away in the basement corner could look incredibly refreshed with this simple spray you can make right now.
From The Chemical Free Home for House Keeping, my recipe “Sweet Mother of Wood Polish” works to clean, condition, and restore.
to craft it
In a 10 or 12 ounce spray bottle combine: 8 ounces sweet almond oil, 1 ounce of Thieves Household Cleaner, and 12 drops of Orange Essential Oil.
to clean it
Shake well before each use, spray onto soft cloth, and wipe to apply evenly.
For the soft cloth, I like to use a fleece. This can easily be a piece of remnant fabric you find at the local crafting store. It works wonderfully and will not scratch the surface.
It only takes a few pantry staples for this task: Sweet Almond Oil, Thieves Household Cleaner by Young Living, and Orange Essential Oil.
Sweet Almond Oil? Some people opt for Olive Oil but I have found that with its thicker viscosity, it tends to leave a layer on the cabinets that collects dust and can leave an off-putting aroma. Sweet Almond Oil absorbs nicely into the wood, wipes off to a perfect sheen with a soft cloth, and does not leave an oily layer on the surface.
Thieves Household Cleaner and Orange Essential Oil make a powerful pair in this recipe. Thieves Household Cleaner works to brighten the surface, and works as a degreaser while Orange Essential Oil brightens a dull surface, and is a great boost for cleaning.
Be sure to use warm water, and change it out often. Warm water helps to remove any greasy build-up with ease.
to craft it
In a gallon bucket, I fill half full with warm water, add 1/4 cup Sweet Almond Oil, 1 ounce Thieves Household Cleaner, and 5 drops of Orange Essential Oil.
to clean it
Using a soft cleaning cloth, I wipe down the cabinet fronts and sides, and then immediately wipe dry with a soft cloth. Be sure to change out the drying cloth as soon as it becomes too damp.
If you love to craft all the things, but want that gorgeous boutique look, I have the download for this fun label – and others! – on The Chemical Free Home along with my favorite glass bottle and cloth!
Looking for more things to craft? Over 50 more recipes can be found in: The Chemical Free Home books.