July 2024 Gifts


We have so much power at our disposal, an infinite amount of energy, endless possibilities. Our bodies and minds are of divine design.

Oh, I think I know what you’re thinking: it doesn’t usually feel that way, does it? Indeed, it can feel quite the opposite, as if we don’t have enough energy – mental, physical, and emotional – to make it from breakfast to lunch, let alone conquer our Mt. Everest.

Here’s an idea: start seeing ALL your energy as data points on a graph. I think you’ll be amazed where your energy is spent. Stress emotions – energy in motion – take great amounts of energy (like when your phone battery is quickly depleted!). Where you put your attention casts energy in that direction. Your intentions pull energy in another direction. And any bodily system functioning less than optimally draws vast energy to help it accommodate.

We all truly have the potential of astounding vitality…if it isn’t wasted. The Gifts with Purchase this month are designed to support this potential. When we release learned responses with Stress Away, we throw stress to the wind, and our energy reserves build. When we support the lymphatic system in flowing with ease, our bodies relax, and the reserves increase. And when we let go of toxins with Super C, our bodies can happily focus on healthy renewal.

Pulling our energy back to our core, “spending” it wisely and consciously…this is the only way to EMBRACE THE NOW, to live in the present, to ENJOY LIFE. I wish this wholeheartedly for you, as you bask in the glory of the July sun.





When securing your Young Living order, there is a good, better, and best way to order.

  • GOOD: you have a Young Living active account (you're here, so you have that set!)

  • BETTER: you are purchasing at wholesale price. To do this, make sure you have placed at least a 100pv minimum order each year. In your Young Living account, it will show your access status.

  • BEST: Loyalty Rewards. This monthly subscription program lets you tailor your monthly items, and earn loyalty points on each order that you can redeem later for products of your choice. It also gives you exclusive loyalty gift oils with your monthly promo.

To learn more about the benefits of Loyalty Rewards simply click here



• Super C Chewables
• Stress Away Essential Oil Blend 15ml
• Loyalty order exclusive: Lemongrass Essential Oil 15ml

• Stress Away Essential Oil Blend 15ml
• Loyalty order exclusive: Lemongrass Essential Oil 15ml

• Loyalty order exclusive: Lemongrass Essential Oil 15ml




We know we should have Super C in our daily regimen for immune system support. But did you know Super C goes to work – like little soldiers! – clearing out cellular clutter in the mind and in our connective tissues. And when this "clutter" flows away, you will be oh so pleased at improved flexibility and mental agility.




essential oil blend
15 ml

Stress Away assists us in letting go of learned response patterns. This is absolutely essential in times of life changing events or creating new chapters...because as our responses change, circumstances change. And then what happens? Our stress fades away. 

This transformational blend contains Copaiba, Lavender, Cedarwood, Ocotea, Lime, and Vanilla. Copaiba releases feelings of scarcity and betrayal and helps us to "shake things off" that tend to linger; Lavender eases fear of criticism and abandonment; Cedarwood helps us remember that we are infinitely more than our conceited ego and resets our emotional DNA; Ocotea escapes the grasp of insult and the ego’s need to react and fight; and Lime helps us stay present and positive.

aromatic note
The tropics, with hints of vanilla carried on the breeze

pairs well with
Envision and Peace & Calming

from the atelier with Melissa: Inspire Roller Blend
▪︎ 10 drops of Envision
▪︎ 10 drops of Stress Away


how to use
Apply to wrists or back of neck to help usher in the calm

Add 3 drops to 1/4 cup of epsom salt and soak away your troubles in the bath

Diffuse with Lavender before bed to promote a calming atmosphere

Mix 15 drops with equal parts vodka and water and spritz in every room

To help ease our adrenal system into its calmer state: apply a drop or two topically to the adrenals, just above the kidneys, on the back (best to apply before 1:00 pm so the adrenal system does not go to work when it should be starting to relax)




essential oil
15 ml

Lemongrass is a powerful energy cleanser, dispelling resentment, despair, and the weight of “shoulds,” and inspiring us to move forward freely and smoothly. If we are feeling sluggish and “out of sorts,” massaging Lemongrass (with a carrier oil) around the lymph nodes can work wonders. (Lemongrass is a very strong oil. Always dilute and test in a tiny area before proceeding.)

pairs well with
Basil, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree, and Rosemary

aromatic note
Lemony, grassy, earthy, slightly bitter

from the atelier with Melissa: Room Spray for the Guest Bath
In a base of half water and half vodka, add:
3 drops of Lemongrass
3 drops of Black Spruce
5 drops of Geranium


how to use
Dilute and apply topically to wake up the lymphatic system and promote oxygen flow

Add a few drops to a sink full of dishes, on dryer balls, or to your all-purpose cleaner for the ultimate fresh, clean scent

Dilute with carrier oil for massage after workouts, sports, or just a long and busy day to soothe overworked muscles and joints

Diffuse to open airways for easy breathing (hint: especially for snoring!)

Dilute and apply topically to relieve water-retention during PMS

Dilute and apply to diminish the appearance of varicose / spider veins

Dilute and apply to areas of concern to repair damaged tissue

please note: Lemongrass can cause extreme skin irritation. Always dilute and monitor for irritation when applying topically.