June 2024 Gifts

it’s time to go for it!

What do you need to stand tall in? Transition to college? A new job? A new relationship? Stretching into your birthright frequency and letting go of patterns that no longer serve you?

It is ALL POSSIBLE. Try an exercise with me. Stoop over, drooping your shoulders, almost as if you’re deflating yourself. Completely relax and exhale. Now slowly unfurl, standing up as straight as possible. Raise your arms up, up, up, stretching to the sky. Feel earth energy pouring into you.

Now imagine you are a towering spruce, looking all the way down to the ground far below.

What do you need to grow strong into your highest self? You choose, and surrender the rest. Surrender the relationships, habits, and beliefs that might be stunting you.

The June Gifts with Qualifying Purchase were selected to expedite this process; to once and for all help you GO FOR IT and stand tall in the life you want. I will be eagerly awaiting your stories of success.





When securing your Young Living order, there is a good, better, and best way to order.

  • GOOD: you have a Young Living active account (you're here, so you have that set!)

  • BETTER: you are purchasing at wholesale price. To do this, make sure you have placed at least a 100pv minimum order each year. In your Young Living account, it will show you if you are currently qualified for wholesale pricing (24% discount) and when that will expire. If you need any assistance locating that, I am here to help!

  • BEST: Loyalty Rewards. This monthly subscription program lets you tailor your monthly items, and earn loyalty points on each order that you can redeem later for products of your choice. It also gives you exclusive loyalty gift oils with your monthly promo.

To learn more about the benefits of Loyalty Rewards simply click here



300 PV
Super B Tablets
Northern Lights Black Sprue 5ml
Loyalty Rewards Bonus: Valor 5ml

200 PV
Northern Lights Black Sprue 5ml
Loyalty Rewards Bonus: Valor 5ml

100 PV Loyalty Rewards Order
Valor 5ml



no. 3240

This supplement was meant for building up the body! As a natural antioxidant, Super B is a complete vitamin supplement that delivers all eight B vitamins, as well as bioavailable minerals such as magnesium, manganese selenium, and zinc, to support a healthy lifestyle. This vitamin supplement provides the energy you need to feel great day in and day out. Super B contains a natural folate source, derived from lemon peels, called Orgen-FA as well as methylcobalamin, a source of B12 that’s easy for the body to absorb and utilize. Combined with Nutmeg essential oil, Super B helps maintain healthy energy levels, supports cardiovascular and cognitive function, and can help alleviate the feelings of everyday stressors. Wait, alleviate the feelings of everyday stressors? Yes Sweet Ones, B complex vitamins help to support a strong and healthy central nervous system so you can calmly walk through the day freeing yourself from the reactions of overwhelm. Fight or Flight mode means we React or Respond. When you respond, you have calm gathered responses based on intellect. When you react, you go immediately into emotional reaction where the results are rarely favorable.


how to use
take one or two tablets daily WITH a meal (this is very important to take WITH food)

pairs well with
Super C, Sulfurzyme, CortiStop, and Mineral Essence



essential oil

The ancestors of the Lakota Indian tribe in South Dakota would travel North across the Canadian border to experience the wonders of the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis. They would breathe this light and electromagnetic energy into their bodies, which they believed healed ailments and disease, and connected them with the Great Spirit.
~ Angela Burgin, LMT, Reiki Master

Well then, it is no wonder that one cannot help but feel an instant surge of emotional renewal when applying a drop of Northern Lights Black Spruce. This oil comes from trees bathed in the magnificence of The Northern Lights. This oil helps us “reach for the sky,” supporting us as we stretch to our full potential. This is a particularly great choice when working on a new project or business venture.


how to use
Apply to the back of your neck – the reset point – for a heightened sense of wellbeing and confidence

Lift your mood by deeply inhaling a drop from your palms

Apply to overworked and tired muscles for a soothing feeling of relief

Combine with a few drops of Neroli for a mystical fragrance

Diffuse during yoga, prayer or meditation

Craft a Room Spritz
3 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
5 drops Geranium
1 drop Lemongrass or Xiang Mao
1 drop Vetiver

add oils to 1 oz of vodka and 3 oz of pure water in a beautiful spray bottle

perhaps higher than 500 MHz – the highest of any essential oil – it is believed to possess the frequency of prosperity

pairs well with
Neroli, most citrus oils, most florals, and earthy grasses like Vetiver and Lemongrass

Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil is steam distilled from the needles of the tree at the Young Living Northern Lights Farm and Distillery in Fort Nelson, British Columbia. By the way, this was the last farm and distillery that our founder, D. Gary Young, built, making it a true legacy oil.



essential oil blend

"If I only had the courage, I would have __________________" Fill in the blank, Sweet One, what would you have done? Chances are, quite a bit. Valor was formulated with courage in mind.

We need courage to dream, to ask, to believe, to pursue. We need courage to think, to change, to embrace, to evolve. We need courage to live our most incredible life to the fullest. We need courage to discover wellness within. We need courage to embrace our purpose and we need courage to believe abundance is within our reach. The very pillar of Young Living's vision for us, Gary wanted all of us to experience Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance.

Sweet One, it awaits you. All of it, and so much more. Confidently know that, and you will stand strong.

The other side of fear...https://youtu.be/TmkUwToXLEc


collected from lectures, recordings, and the D. Gary Young Blog

Why did I create this formula? The essential oils in Valor were used by the Roman soldiers before battle to promote courage during a time of physical and emotional challenges. All of us go through physical and emotional challenges. I made this blend in 1990 because at that time I was having a confrontation with the IRS, and I had to go to Seattle for the hearing. I was representing myself in court because I couldn’t afford an attorney. I was really scared. I’d never been in a court with the IRS before; this was a first-time experience.

I made Valor the night before, poured it in the tub, and then bathed in it. At that time I was living in Spokane where I had a little farm I was starting. I drove to Seattle, stayed in a motel, got up, went into the hearing that morning and presented my case. They made me feel like I was less than dirt. But I stood my ground and argued my points, and then I left. Two weeks later I got a certified letter in the mail announcing to me: Mr. Young, we’ve heard your case, we’ve reviewed it, we have accepted your presentation, and we have dropped our issues against you. So I won on all 42 counts. That was a big accomplishment for me. So, Valor became very, very dear to me and has been a very powerful oil blend ever since.

Valor is superb for balancing the body, for empowering. Blue Tansy is in it. Frankincense so you can come from a spiritual space.

Valor on the bottom of the feet, and up the spine. Valor balances physical, emotional and mentally. It facilitates everything else that you do, keeps you in peace and balance. Aligns the skeletal system.


You will never look at applying Valor the same way again after watching this!



how to use
Apply to spine after adjustment to hold your alignment strong

Apply to shoulders and bottom of feet for grounding and emotional balance

Apply to bottom of feet at night for a more "silent" and restful sleep (either for you, or your spouse)

Apply 6 drops of Valor on bottoms of feet to help increase oxygen and blood flow to the bottom

To balance left and right brain, put oil on left fingers and rub on the right temple or put oil on right fingers and rub on left temple.

aromatic note
the softness of Geranium quickly sweeps into winter wood and the deep base of Frankincense and Blue Tansy

pairs well with
Balance with Valor; protect with White Angelica

47 MHz (very low to balance and align the physical body)