This Is Sweet Success | Newsletter | March 13 2023
my wellness ecology
If this is not the experience you are living, I am reaching out a hand to offer help.
with Melissa Poepping, CNHP
and the Wellness Ecology Team
I feel as if My Wellness Ecology is a throwback to a different era. A time when people actually listened. (Ah, the lost art of listening.) When people actually wanted to help – expecting nothing in return.Indeed, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much – and how fast – we jump to help others, but not ourselves. Our kids need something…we’re there. Our boss needs support…we drop everything. Our spouse needs us…and their priority becomes our priority. (And I’m not saying these are bad things, when in balance. Of course, part of a life well-lived is serving others.) But when was the last time someone stretched out a hand and said, “I’m here to help YOU.” And when was the last time you graciously accepted the help?
Here’s the irony: we have become so conditioned to helping others that many of us are deeply uncomfortable accepting help for ourselves. (Can you hear the voice in your own mind? “That’s ok, I’m fine.” “Oh thanks, but I’m good.” Or my favorite, “I don’t have time for me.”)
Well, my friend, I’m here. I’m offering. Today is a new day, and you can choose to accept help toward your best, most beautiful life.
“DNA determines what we grow into. But optimizing your environment – your ecology – determines the extent we grow into our destiny.”
Everything Matters
We are trapped in a paradigm of insignificance. What we say doesn’t matter. What we do has no effect. We feel isolated, separate, finite. Well, if you know me at all, you know where this is going. THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. Realizing our potential shatters the paradigm of insignificance and leads to a further realization: everything we do matters. And by making choices from a position of infinite significance, we create space and opportunity for others to expand into their power. My friend, anointing your wellness is not just blessing your life. It is blessing the world.
(paraphrased from Michael Berg)
I'm offering help. It's up to you to accept it. Let me know when you're ready!