March 2022 Gifts


Looking for a daily protocol to bring this month's gifts into your world and transform your life? Well Sweet Ones, look no further. You know they say that how you spend your day is how you spend your life. So to that I say: Seize THIS day. The time is NOW. 


Motivation on the forearms

Valor applied to the wrists (hold the wrists together until balanced)

Envision on palms, and then inhale deeply and apply to the back of the neck

En-R-Gee over your adrenals

Clarity on temples and brow/forehead


seize the day – march gifts with purchase


ELEVATE YOUR LIFE with this month’s gifts with purchase from Young Living.

Sweet Ones, I am beyond thrilled to introduce you to some of my staple oils in this month’s lineup. From the motivation I need, to the tools that reconnect me to my goals all while making sure my focus and adrenals are on point. Are you ready to feel your best as you Seize the day and elevate your life?

This month, I encourage you to take a moment to ensure that you are ordering the very best way possible to leverage the free gifts, earn ADDITIONAL free gifts, and earn purchasing points which would be through Subscribe to Save.
SUBSCRIBE TO SAVE: This is our monthly wellness box subscription program. To learn more about how you can earn points and get all the monthly PROMOS, be sure to check out the Subscribe to Save tab in your virtual office to learn about the incredible ways to save even more including earning points back on each monthly.

• 10% off enrollment voucher to gift to a friend
• Complimentary economy shipping

• Envision
• Clarity (subscription bonus)
• En-R-Gee (subscription bonus)
• 10% off enrollment voucher to gift to a friend
• Complimentary economy shipping

• Exclusive roller set
• Envision
• Clarity (subscription bonus)
• En-R-Gee (subscription bonus)
• 10% off enrollment voucher to gift to a friend
• Complimentary economy shipping

• Valor
• Exclusive roller set
• Envision
• Clarity (subscription bonus)
• En-R-Gee (subscription bonus)
• 10% off enrollment voucher to gift to a friend
• Complimentary economy shipping

• Motivation
• Valor
• Exclusive roller set
• Envision
• Clarity (subscription bonus)
• En-R-Gee (subscription bonus)
• 10% off enrollment voucher to gift to a friend
• Complimentary economy shipping

essential oil blend

What would your world look like if you were able to inspire motivation within yourself to reconnect to your true purpose and the power to pursue it? What would your day look like if you were able to inspire the motivation you need to meet your physical demands and goals?

Motivation is an inside job, my friend. From gaining the motivation to reach your wellness goals, all the way to your workout goals... it is all an inside job. The oils in this blend were selected to help you overcome fear, and procrastination so that you can take action in your life.

how to use
diffuse in the morning while getting ready for your day to help calm your fear and rewrite feelings of doubt

apply a dab to your forearms before working out to put your body into action and meet your goals

inhale deeply throughout the day when you feel your attention starting to stray from your goal

apply a drop to the nape of your neck when you’re feeling afternoon fatigue to stimulate your thymus and inspire physical action

aromatic note
A top note first impression of Roman Chamomile quickly fades into the winter wood of Spruce and leaves a subtle heart note of exotic floral.

frequency: 103

essential oil blend

"If I only had the courage, I would have __________________"
Fill in the blank Sweet One, what would you have done?

Chances are, quite a bit.

Valor was formulated with courage in mind. We need courage to dream, to ask, to believe, to pursue. We need courage to think, to change, to embrace, to evolve. We need courage to live our most incredible life to the fullest. We need courage to discover wellness within. We need courage to embrace our purpose and we need courage to believe abundance is within our reach. The very pillar of Young Living's vision for us is simple: Gary wanted all of us to experience Wellness, Purpose and Abundance. Sweet One, it awaits you. All of it, and so much more. Confidently know that, and you will stand stronger.

how to use
apply to spine after adjustment to hold your alignment strong
apply to shoulders and bottom of feet for grounding and emotional balance
apply to bottom of feet at night for a more "silent" and restful sleep (either for you, or your spouse)
apply six drops of Valor to bottoms of feet to help increase oxygen and blood flow
to balance left and right brain, put oil on left fingers and rub on the right temple or put oil on right fingers and rub on left temple

aromatic note
the softness of Geranium quickly sweeps into winter wood and the deep base of frankincense and Blue Tansy

frequency: 47 MHz
Why so low? To balance and align the physical body before aligning the emotional self.

essential oil blend

My first experience with this oil was when I thought it would be a good idea to give ZUMBA a try.  Remember that Latin Dance exercise craze from about 12 years ago?  I could maybe make it through 20 minutes when a friend suggested giving En-R-Gee a try.   Sweet Ones, I side salsa’d my way through a 45 minute workout like a pro!  This blend helps you to improve your stamina without the over-stimulation you would get from caffeine or an energy drink of stimulants that overload your body system. 

how to use
apply topically in the morning, or mid-day (before 1pm) to the adrenals (right above your kidneys)
apply to the bottom of your feet in the morning before you hit the ground running
want to feel like you had the mot amazing night's sleep, even if you didn’t?
apply En-R-Gee to the bottom of your feet, Awaken to the temples, and Clarity to the back of your neck

aromatic note
This is quite possibly, one of the most curious blends I have ever experienced.  A first assumption would leave you thinking there is a floral present, but there is not.  Juniper and Rosemary mingle with fall herbs and winter woods to bring the most refreshing aroma that sits atop the crispness of Lemongrass. 

essential oil blend

What is your grand vision? A Champagne vineyard in France? A picture-perfect hobby-farm? Kids splashing in the pool? Incredible health and vitality and being full of energy? Waking up feeling absolutely ready to seize the day? All of the above? Whatever it is, SEE IT. Take a deep breath or 12 and SEE every detail. Put a few drops of Envision in your palms, raise your hands to your face and inhale. When you SEE IT, and FEEL IT, your body will move into action and you will LIVE it.

Imagine for a moment, being able to quiet the noise, and distraction of the outside world around you and only focus intently on how you would like things to be. Imagine being in a relaxed state of mind, where you are not forcing a solution. That is Envision. You see Sweet Ones, when you are forcing, or find yourself frustrated or annoyed with no solution in sight, you are blocking all creativity and solutions. You have to "let" and not "force" the answer.

how to use
diffuse while planning your day, week or month
inhale deeply with a drop in your hands, cupped over your nose as you focus on how you want to see things ahead, and not as they currently are
wear as a parfume behind your ears and carry with you the calm you deserve

Gary spoke often about pairing this one with Highest Potential and Dream Catcher at night. He shared how he would apply Highest Potential to his arms and chest, Dream Catcher on his pillow, and diffuse Envision.

Helps to open the brain and usher in daydreams. When you are depressed, upset, angry, etc, your vision is gone. You can’t see what’s possible. Use it with Motivation.

pairs well with
Acceptance, Clarity, Into the Future, Magnify Your Purpose, Highest Potential, Valor, Motivation

aromatic note
a top note of Geranium wrapped in Sage falls quickly into rRose and familiar citrus and mysteriously falls back to Geranium wrapped in Lavender

frequency: 90 MGz

And if your vision does include a vineyard in the south of France, I am available to help with harvest.

essential oil blend

From the daily tasks, to the grandest vision you have, this is the perfect blend to help you stay focused, and persistent!  This blend helps with mental acuity, memory recall, and alertness.  With oils like Basil, Peppermint, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine and Coriander to name a few, this blend helps to oxygenate the cells and stimulate your energy levels when feeling low. 

how to use
apply to back of neck when needing a little pick-me-up midday

apply across the brow, on back of neck and on the temples to stimulate focus

use in combination with En-R-Gee to help tackle a long day ahead

aromatic note
a fresh and crisp top note of exotic floral quickly lands on the sharpness of Basil and Peppermint

frequency: 104 MHz


How beautiful is this set of three bamboo and glass 10ml rollers. They say Motivate, Focus, and Inspire so you can blend accordingly. You could add 20 drops each essential oil to its corresponding roller bottle and top with carrier oil to take these blends on the go! (Motivation/Motivate, Envision/Inspire, and Clarity/Focus) Or perhaps a blend you come up with all on your own to use alongside of your new protocol? The options are limitless!