October 2023 Gifts

with ease…

And just like that…

We transition into a new season.

New Routines.

New Adventures.

New Discoveries.

And just as there is a season to nature, there exists also a 'Spiritual Season' ' that is as guaranteed as the transition we expect from Summer sunsets into cool crisp Autumn mornings. Fall is a season of harvest and rewards. A time to reap the bounty of the work from Spring that leads into the careful and watchful eye of a carefree Summer. Just like Spring, we are once again in a season of intention and diligent care.

It's a beautiful reminder to take a breath and bring in a new level of care so that we can enter into this new season with EASE.

The newness of this season is one we must enter into with a clear mind, a renewed sense of self, and calm so that we can hurry, without haste.




300 PV

Acceptance essential oil blend, 5 ml
ImmuPro chewable tablets, 30 ct.​
​​Young Living Branded Olive Wood Massage Tool
Loyalty Rewards Exclusive Stress Away essential oil blend, 15 ml
Loyalty Rewards Exclusive Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil, 5 ml

250 PV

ImmuPro chewable tablets, 30 ct.​
​​Young Living Branded Olive Wood Massage Tool
Loyalty Rewards Exclusive Stress Away essential oil blend, 15 ml
Loyalty Rewards Exclusive Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil, 5 ml

190 PV

​​Young Living Branded Olive Wood Massage Tool
Loyalty Rewards Exclusive Stress Away essential oil blend, 15 ml
Loyalty Rewards Exclusive Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil, 5 ml

100 PV

Loyalty Rewards Exclusive Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil, 5 ml



Let’s make sure you’re doing this the right way….

When securing your Young Living order, there is a good, better, best way to order.


You have a Young Living active account
(you're here, so you have that set!)


You are purchasing at wholesale price.
To do this, make sure you have placed at least a 100pv minimum order each year.
In your Young Living account, it will show you if you are currently qualified for wholesale pricing (24% discount) and when that will expire.
If you need any assistance locating that, I am here to help!


This, is Loyalty Rewards. A monthly subscription box that YOU curate!
Our subscription program that lets you tailor your monthly items, and earn loyalty points on each order that you can redeem later for products of your choice.
It also gives you exclusive loyalty gift oils with your monthly promo.

To learn more about the benefits of Loyalty Rewards simply click here



eucalyptus globulus

essential oil
5 ml

Eucalyptus gives us the courage to be in a state of wholeness and optimal wellness. It helps us rewrite the story as it pertains to quality of life.

For example, “I always struggle with fatigue” or “I’m always sick with a cold or cough,” can – and should – change to “I always take responsibility for my well being, and I am making choices every day that support my vitality goals.”

Remember, we always have the power to rewrite our story, our script, our role in this grand theatre of life. Always.

Before a workout, before heading outside or to wake up our entire body system and get a reset, this is the perfect oil to reach for. Eucalyptus reaches deep into the lower regions of the lungs so it makes it a perfect companion to pair with any oil you apply to your chest by simply inhaling deeply from your hands.

Think of it as: a breath of fresh air, with a reset.  It’s like breathing, with a bonus!

Eucalyptus Globulus, commonly known as southern blue gum, is a species of tall, evergreen trees native to Southeastern Australia. It is one of the fastest growing eucalyptus - growing up to 6 feet each year and under ideal conditions can reach up to 330ft. The leaves of this tree are steam distilled to produce an oil with naturally occurring eucalyptol, which is a constituent that provides an invigorating sensation on the skin when applied topically and creates a soothing spa-like experience when used aromatically. This oil is perfect for respiratory AND emotional wellness!

Emotional?  Yes, emotional support!

This oil delivers emotional clarity, and confidence. Think of it as being able to clear the way so you can see your goals and greatest self with incredible fresh clarity.

historical use

Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia used the eucalyptus leaves to bind up serious wounds to assist in the restoration and recovery process.


• Apply to chest and neck before working out to help open up the airways and assist in incredible breathing and energy

•Apply a few drops to your hands, and inhale deeply. As you exhale, clear your lungs completely by twisting your torso as far as you can. Think of it as “wringing out your lungs” as you twist, and exhale fully. Repeat, on the opposite side. (This is a fantastic oil to use while stretching or doing restorative yoga!)  Proper breathing with full, deep intentional breaths can have a positive effect on your HRV so be sure to practice mindful breathing whenever you can!

• Diffuse for a quick and easy escape to the spa

• Add a few drops to the shower wall to create a spa-like effect before your morning shower

• Apply under the nose for quick congestion relief; you may wish to dilute with a carrier oil when using topically.

• Massage this oil into overworked or tired muscles for a cooling and calming sensation

• Diffuse Eucalyptus in the afternoon around your home or office for an energizing and clean aroma

• Combine with coconut oil or another carrier oil and apply topically on your chest before bedtime to help ease breathing that feels restricted

• Make your own DIY massage cream and apply after an intense workout to soothe overworked muscles and enhance breathing.

• Add a few drops of Eucalyptus to your Thieves Household cleaner spray bottle for an aromatic boost


Geranium, Lavender, Lemon / Jade Lemon / Lemon Myrtle, Sandalwood, Juniper, Lemongrass, Melissa, Pine, Thyme

from the atelier with Melissa

*a pre-shower*


25 drops Eucalyptus

• 15 drops lemon

• 1oz Vodka

• 5oz water

Before turning on the water, spray the shower area generously for an absolutely invigorating aroma. Optional: add a few drops of Geranium.


Diffuse equal drops of Eucalyptus, Geranium, Orange or lemon


stress away

essential oil blend, 15 ml
no. 4630

Stress Away assists us in letting go of learned response patterns. This is absolutely essential in times of life changing events or creating new chapters...because as our responses change, circumstances change. And then what happens? Our stress fades away. 

oils in this blend

This transformational blend contains Copaiba, Lavender, Cedarwood, Ocotea, Lime, and Vanilla. Copaiba releases feelings of scarcity and betrayal and helps us to "shake things off" that tend to linger; Lavender eases fear of criticism and abandonment; Cedarwood helps us remember that we are infinitely more than our conceited ego and resets our emotional DNA; Ocotea escapes the grasp of insult and the ego’s need to react and fight; and Lime helps us stay present and positive.

how to use

• Apply to wrists or back of neck to help usher in the calm

• Add 3 drops to 1/4c. epsom salt and soak away your troubles in the bath. -Diffuse with lavender before bed to promote a calming atmosphere

• Mix 15 drops with equal parts vodka and water in a spray bottle and mist in every room

• To help ease our adrenal system into its calmer state: apply a drop or two topically to the adrenals (just above the kidneys, on the back). * best to apply before 1pm in the afternoon so that the adrenal system does not go to work when it should be starting to relax

(That midsection weight? Cortisol may be the culprit. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal system. An unbalanced adrenal system wreaks havoc on the body when it produces an excess of cortisol. )

TIP:  One of my FAVORITE ways to apply an essential oil to my morning shower routine is not to spray it in the bathroom or place it on a shower cloth but rather to apply the oil directly to my body a few minutes before getting into the shower.   This way the oils are absorbed into my body system and there is enough of the essential oil compounds on my skin to create an incredible aromatic experience.  It truly is a win-win with no oil molecules wasted.

aromatic note

A beachside tropical lime drink, the kind with the umbrella, with hints of vanilla casting through the air.

pairs well with

Envision, Peace & Calming

from the atelier with melissa

INSPIRE roller blend

▪︎ 10 envision

▪︎ 10 stress away

. . .and your life is basically complete!

CALMING play dough

• 2 cups cornstarch

• 1 cup Kidscents Lotion

• 10 drops Stress Away essential oil 

• Mix all ingredients together and let the imaginations run wild!


immupro chewable tablets

30 ct.
no. 3213

ImmuPro is a power-packed formula that combines naturally derived, immune-supporting Ningxia wolfberry polysaccharides with a unique blend of reishi, maitake, and agaricus blazei mushroom powders to help reduce the damaging effects of oxidative stress.  (The blazei mushroom is an adaptogen if you’ve been following along with my posts about this lately!)

ImmuPro also provides calcium, zinc and selenium for proper immune function, along with other chelated minerals such as copper that emerging science suggests are more easily absorbed by the body.

It also delivers just a smidge of melatonin, which encourages restful sleep by promoting the body's natural sleep rhythm. Gary knew that the body heals best while in rest mode. He understood the immense benefits of sleep in relation to the immune system specifically. How brilliant that one of our best immune supporting products, with its dash of melatonin,  helps our body enter a relaxed state and incredible sleep for proper restoration (Sweet Ones, I have honestly never in my life slept this well! 5 stars, HIGHLY recommend! The taste of this chewable tablet took me by surprise, so just be prepared for that!)


Take 1–2 chewable tablets daily as needed at bedtime. Do not exceed 2 tablets per day. May cause drowsiness.


Ningxia Red, Ningxia Greens, Inner Defense, Mineral Essence, Sleepy-Ize / Tranquil / RutaVaLa / C/B/Dcalm



olive wood massage tool

YL swag

This Young Living branded olive wood massage tool is primarily used as an effective massage technique called Wood Therapy. Using wooden tools to move blood flow to desired parts of the body to help drain the lymphatic system.

The olive wood massaging tool was sustainably crafted from olive tree branches in Bethlehem.

how to use

• Start by applying a fair amount of massage oil before starting, the oil will be used to help the tool glide across your skin.

• After the oil is applied, grab the handle and begin moving blood flow toward your desired area.

• Popular movements include moving blood flow toward the glutes and thighs. As well as moving away from the chest, hips, and arms.  This is a perfect routine to do after a shower with any of your “Brazilian Beauty Bar” massage oils that I have shared about.

• Massage with a mild to moderate pressure, moving the tool for roughly 10 minutes, or until you start to feel the movement of blood or the effects of lymphatic drainage.

pairs well with

V-6 carrier oil and all of Young Living’s incredible massage oils 



essential oil
5 ml
no. 3303

Overcome denial, and procrastination as you open up to, and accept new things in life.

When some people first come across this blend, the name can convey a connotation of “accept reality...accept circumstances...‘it is what it is’.” (Ok, perhaps we’re not talking about “people.” Perhaps...just perhaps...that was my initial interpretation. And you can imagine that did not sit well with me. Accept less than the ideal designed life?! No thank you!) But Gary, as always, knew best. The intention of Acceptance is to ACCEPT YOUR DIVINE WORTHINESS. Aha! That’s a very different intention.

Gary created blends by looking at the frequencies of single oils — their benefits as well as their chemical constituents — and combining them to produce the frequency of the emotion that he was looking to evoke. Matching the frequency of your desired emotion to the frequency of the oil…this is harmony. This is balance. This is one reason why using intention – chosen thoughts that are in alignment with the good you desire – when applying your oils can give you an entirely different experience. Calming the mind, increasing your awareness and taking a moment to escape the chaos of the day…this is wellness as it was intended to be.

A note from Gary

programming yourself into positivity using essential oils

Set your desired intention – happiness, calm, balance, ease, confidence, whatever it may be. This codes the frequency. Now rub it on your temples and the back of your neck – the circuit board of your body. Now we’re going to release the emotions that no longer serve us:

Draw circles in a counterclockwise motion on a piece of paper. Envision unwinding and releasing. Apply Acceptance to your temples and brain stem and keep unwinding. If something unwanted occurred, such as the death of a loved one, we cannot move on until we have accepted this. When you don’t have control over people or things, and you feel pain or like you’ve been betrayed or abandoned or you don’t know how to deal with it, this is one way: start scribbling circles in a counterclockwise motion and say, “I willingly release all things that no longer serve me in a positive and progressive way.” It’s really that simple.

Why is that important? It’s because you have to move into three areas we all tend to avoid: non-attachment, non-judgment, and non-resistance. Therefore, in this process, you’re making no judgment on that which you are releasing. Once you have written it on paper and said the affirmation, you need do no more. Just by physically making the motion of going counterclockwise, you’re erasing that blueprint in your memory.

how to use

• Apply around the ears to help inspire defiant children into embracing new ideas and routines

• Diffuse or apply to nape of neck to help stimulate the mind to open up, and accept new things in life

• Inhale deeply to help calm a troubled mind

• Accept change so you can move forward toward your highest potential

• "Be Ye Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind" [Romans 12:2]

• Diffuse to help banish procrastination

• Diffuse or use as a room spray to create feelings of security

• When in doubt, and emotions are at an all time high, add desired drops to bath water and Epsom salts and bathe in this oil, Sweet Ones!

• This is a stimulating blend, and I’d like you to try something with me: apply it over the liver, behind the knees, and liberally on the lower back before you go face the world. Declare out loud, “there is a divine design for my life and I fully accept it.”

aromatic note

Hints of spice fall into deep rich florals before being carried away in citrus. Geranium, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Rose, Jasmine…all make this a beautiful blend to wear as a perfume.

pairs well with

Release, Into the Future, Transformation, and Valor

from the atelier with melissa

A parfume of beauty, and truth.

• 11 Acceptance
• 2 Laurus Nobilis
• 1 Vetiver
• 1 Neroli

Craft this in a base of vodka, and water. diffuse.
Craft as a stand alone to add to bath salts or other spa particulars.
The options, as they always are, seem to be endless.

Looking for a gorgeous label for this new parfume? Sweet Ones... I have you taken care of!