rise to rank
Young Living has launched Rise to Rank! Brand partners who reach the rank of Executive or Silver during the eligibility period* will earn the following special edition rewards:
Ember Diffuser and Exclusive Select 30 Collection (List)
valued at $1,682!
What is Executive Rank?
100 PV / 4K OGV / Two 1K OGV legs
Aria Diffuser and Exclusive Premier Aroma Collection (List)
valued at $5,558!
What is Silver Rank?
100 PV / 10K OGV / Two 4K OGV legs / 1000 PGV
Are you the type of champion who goes for the gusto?! When you achieve Executive and rise right on to Silver* prior to June 30 2022, you earn BOTH rewards. Think of all that you can do with this wealth of product!
*Rise to Rank awards eligible brand partners with exclusive rewards when they rank up to Executive or Silver by June 30, 2022. This challenge is open to all U.S. and Canada brand partners who meet the following criteria:
Have never achieved Executive rank OR have previously achieved Executive but are no longer paid as one as of January 31, 2022
Have never achieved Silver rank OR have previously achieved Silver but are no longer paid as one as of January 31, 2022