September 2022 Gifts

live in your pure nature – september gifts with purchase



You deserve to walk through each day as your best self, as the self perfectly aligned with your pure nature. You deserve to breathe air kissed with Eucalyptus, and feel oxygen revitalizing every cell. This is the wonder of the September Gifts with Purchase. Let’s chat about how these can help you rediscover your pure nature:





It may seem like a challenge to maintain healthy immune function in today’s ever-changing environment, but it doesn’t have to be. Think of Inner Defense as your own personal “security system,” an entourage of antioxidants if you will, to help support overall body system function. With the addition of essential oils, this supplement also creates an unfriendly environment for bacteria, yeast and fungus in the body. Our bodies are designed to adapt, and flow with ease as we transition into each new season, and this supplement makes it so easy to do just that!

Oregano, Thyme, Lemongrass, Lemon, Eucalyptus Radiata, Rosemary, and Cinnamon

• Take one softgel each morning, or three to five times per day as needed
• For optimal use, take Life 9 in the evenings or eight hours after taking Inner Defense so that you do not alter the beneficial bacteria in Life 9 with the presence of the oils found in Inner Defense
• Take while traveling to maintain your strong immune system while exposed to varying elements
• OIL HACK: pop the capsule with a needle and rub the oil on the bottom of feet for a pre-diluted application
• Take daily and increase your intake at the first sign of overall body system stress

• Life 9
• ImmuPro




essential oil blend
15 ml

Looking for something to help REVIVE and INVIGORATE the senses? Carry the crisp scent of Breathe Again whenever you need to take a few deep, full-stomach breaths. Comprised of four varieties of Eucalyptus, Laurus Nobilis, Rose Hip, Peppermint, Copaiba, Myrtle, and Blue Cypress, Breathe Again is for more than a breath of fresh air. Eucalyptus oils include the naturally occurring constituent cineole (eucalyptol), which helps promote healthy airways.

Let’s practice: as you inhale, filling your entire belly with air, hold your breath for four seconds before exhaling. As you exhale, rotate your core to the side as though you are wringing out the lungs.  As you allow your lungs to fully empty, release any stressors or limiting beliefs (relax your shoulders) before you take another inhale. And this time we’re going to breathe in abundance and embrace the opportunities at hand. Repeat as many times as you’d like – your respiratory system will thank you! Now THAT was an amazing reset! 

Use a carrier oil when applying topically for sensitive skin

• Apply to the head, neck, chest, or under the nose for a soothing aroma and cooling sensation
• A wonderful companion to help tired muscles “breathe again.” As you can see from the ingredients, this is a powerful blend of restoration.
• Diffuse to help clear the mind and awaken the senses to new ideas while you move forward with a new found clarity!
• With its blend of most invigorating single essential oils, you can inhale, or diffuse to alleviate nasal restriction

• R.C.
• Eucalyptus Radiata
• Valor
• Deep Relief roll-on to support muscles post-workout

Make a soothing respiratory bath soak or foot soak by adding five or six drops of Breathe Again to one cup of Epsom Salt.  
Modification: apply Breathe Again to bottom of feet and/or chest about 15 minutes before heading into the shower. 




SNIFFLEEASE by KidScents Collection
essential oil blend
5 ml

When sniffles and stuffiness say hello, reach for this amazing blend! The naturally relaxing and soothing vapors will support your little ones as they’re adjusting to new routines or new environments. Just how quickly do oils work? Well, Sweet Ones, when inhaling essential oils, the molecules reach the brain within 22 seconds! When applying them topically, it will be found in the blood stream before the timer hits two minutes. After just 20 minutes, EVERY cell in the body will have been affected. SniffleEase promotes a rejuvenating and refreshing atmosphere with the richly aromatic oils in this blend, so you can rest easy knowing your littles are getting the support they need to thrive.  (Want in on a little secret?  The KidScents Collection works wonders for adults as well!) 

Eucalyptus Blue, Palo Santo, Lavender, Dorado Azul, Camphor, Eucalyptus Globulus, Myrtle, Marjoram, Pine, Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus Citriodora, Cypress, Black Spruce, and Peppermint

• roll on chest or spine as needed to support the littles
• diffuse to help create a breath of fresh air in the atmosphere
• diffuse with Lavender for a soft bedtime aroma that soothes the senses

• KidScents Sleepyize
• KidScents MightyPro
• KidScents TummyGize
• Seedlings Calm

Create a Pillow, Blanket, or Stuffie Spray for the kiddos and use before bed
In a glass spray bottle add
• 10-20 drops of SniffleEase
• 1/3 vodka
• 2/3 distilled water




essential oil blend
15 ml

Did you know that R.C. stands for Respiratory Comfort? This blend is an incredible combination of three variants of Eucalyptus, Cypress to help promote movement of congestion, Myrtle to help ease the respiratory system, Lavender to help calm and balance, and Black Spruce to help ground and uplift. R.C. is  an invigorating but gentle blend designed to offer respiratory comfort during times of seasonal stress. Think of it as a powerful bouquet of Eucalyptus, Myrtle, Pine, Marjoram, Lavender, Cypress, Black Spruce, and Peppermint designed to open airways.

R.C. is a wonderful choice with a soothing aroma for daily wear in public spaces, and for kids (diluted). But, many are unaware of an even greater use for R.C. that often goes unmentioned.

Have you ever used R.C. to soothe an overworked muscle, stiff joint, irritated bone or even...a bone spur?  How about soothing irritating (congested) emotions?

Where emotions are held, an imprint will start to take over. This imprint starts to affect the function of vital organs that are associated with our emotions.


“R.C. was the first blend that I made in 1985. What do we use R.C. for today? To take care of all those emotional and respiratory memories of the past that you want to change into good memories and take to a higher level of wellness, purpose, and abundance. All you have to do to achieve that is breathe, breathe, breathe. These are precious and wonderful memories.”
– Gary Young

Dilute this blend with a carrier oil for sensitive skin.

This blend is photosensitive, and sun exposure is not recommended for 24 hours. 

• diffuse to ease congestion
• dilute and apply to bridge of nose to loosen mucus
• inhale to soothe seasonal irritation while outdoors
• apply to chest to maintain endurance during exercise
• diffuse during yoga or meditation
• diffuse in steamy bathroom to help ease congestion and promote serene calm when easing symptoms of being unwell
• dilute and apply topically to soothe sore muscles, joints, bones that are exhausted from daily activity
• apply directly to bone spur to ease discomfort
• dilute and apply to soothe lower back from discomfort during menstruation

• Raven by applying on feet and R.C. on throat and chest, alternate morning and night.
• Peppermint
• Eucalyptus Radiata
• Breathe Again


Enjoy an aromatic tent by adding the following to steaming water, and then enjoying the aromatic steam with a towel over your head to capture:  Raven, R.C. & Wintergreen. 

 Create a bath soak with R.C.
• gather 1 cup unscented epsom salts
• add 10-20 drops to epsom salts 
• then sprinkle into your bathtub for a relaxing spa at home




essential oil blend
15 ml

The first essential oil blend to be scientifically researched in a university laboratory, Thieves can be used in all areas of life: in the home, on your skin, in the body, and even on the run! Just how magnificent can this blend get? Thieves is a staple “go-to, never-run-out of” oil! The ingredients in this blend work synergistically to offer immune support and overall health and wellness!

Have you ever wondered why Thieves Blend is named as such?

Jean Valnet, a noted French Aromatherapist (1920-1995), writes about the Bubonic Plague in his groundbreaking book "The Practice of Aromatherapy."

He quotes extensively from the archives of Toulouse, referring to a band of robbers who were able to move regularly among dead or even sick people. They stole from the defenseless and marginalized patients freely, apparently without ever fearing for their personal health. Caught between 1628 and 1631, the local magistrates marveled at their health.

How was this group of bandits — these thieves — able to go where others couldn’t go without getting sick? Valnet says the men were asked that very question when placed on trial. They were promised, “Tell us, and we’ll act with leniency.” As the historic story goes, the men revealed their secret combination, explaining that they placed drops of the mix on their feet, their wrists, and the back of their necks.

So what was in the elusive concoction? Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary!

Dilute this blend with a carrier oil for sensitive skin.

This oil is photosensitive, therefore, sun exposure is not recommended for 24 hours.

• Diffuse to maintain strong health and immune defenses.  In our home, we diffuse Thieves daily in our main room.  It runs 24/7 in our nebulizing diffuser and has for years.
• Apply to bottom of feet daily to insure strong health is maintained
• Apply to a sliver to help naturally pull the object to the surface for easy removal
• Apply a few drops to a shot glass of water to ease a mild sore or itchy throat
• Teething baby? Sore gums? Apply a drop to your palm and massage with index finger until finger is dry, then massage gum area to soothe minor discomfort (the saliva will re-activate the oil molecules without the “hot-ness” of the blend) TIP: I also do this before a dental visit to ease the post-irritation feeling from a cleaning or dental work.

• ImmuPower on throat and Thieves on feet.  Then alternate with Thieves on throat, and ImmuPower on feet (dilute both oils for topical application on throat).
• Orange Essential Oil
• Ningxia Red 

For the most powerful diffusing option, use a nebulizing diffuser!  A nebulizing diffuser does not use water; it breaks the oil into microscopic particles to disperse pure essential oils into the air.  It uses a lot more oil,  but it is far more powerful when you need it!